We’ve seen a couple instances of an issue where when trying to access Wave’s Voice Applications (via Global Administrator / Applications tab), the following error will occur:

Server Error in ‘/CampaignAdmin’ Application.

System.Exception: 101:User not authenticated.
at Vertical.Wave.GlobalAdmin.API.Common.Authentication.LogIn(String username, String password, String certificate, String& level)

This will typically occur when you put your Wave system on a domain, but did not exclude Wave from all necessary security policies.

Fortunately, this is easy to resolve.  Check under Start / Administrative Tools / Local Security Policy / Local Policies / Security Options / “Accounts: Guest account status”.  This must be “Enabled” for the Wave Voice Applications to function properly.  If this is Disabled, enable it for Wave via your domain controller, or override this on Wave itself.  This should resolve the issue without requiring a restart of Wave.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.  We are glad to assist!