Sangoma Dialogic Frequently Asked Questions

Have a question that isn’t in our FAQ?  Feel free to contact us – we’re always glad to assist!

Yes, as of Sangoma System Release 6.1 SU 354 for Linux, CentOS 7.3, 7.4, 7.5, and 7.7 are supported and verified.  Note that boards may not be detected by the system when using an older Service Update (prior to 354).  The latest System Releases may be found here.

This is a very common issue, and is typically caused by PCIe power budgeting.  See “Resolving PCIe Board Detection issues with Sangoma JCT Series Boards” for instructions on how to resolve this.

The “Drivers” for Sangoma Dialogic D4 and JCT series boards are more than just a typical Windows driver you may be familiar with.  Sangoma Dialogic uses a “System Release”, which is a package of drivers and software used to run your board.  When you install the System Release, the Windows drivers for the boards are installed as well as an application called “Sangoma Dialogic Configuration Manager (DCM)”.  This is used to detect boards in the system and adjust basic settings on the boards.  Most analog boards (such as the D4 series, D41JCT, D120JCT) will not need any adjustments to their settings here, but often times a T1/E1/PRI board will need a protocol defined.  You always want to run the DCM once after installing a new board, as it detects the board and makes it available for your software application to use.

It is important to check with your application provider before installing a System Release.  While most application providers support the latest System Release, you always want to follow the application provider’s recommendation for which version of the System Release to install.

We’ve provided links to the latest System Release for Windows and the latest System Release for Linux.

The Sangoma Dialogic JCT series boards have a 68-pin male connector at the top edge of the board.  When using multiple boards in a single server, you’ll use a CT Bus cable which is seated on this connector of each board.  The standard CT Bus cable has multiple “drops” (connectors), typically a minimum of 4 connectors per cable, spaced 1″ apart (which is the spacing between PCI/PCIe slots).  It is OK to leave connectors empty in the middle of the cable, or at either end of the cable.  CT Bus cables may be found here and are available in 4, 8, 12, and 16 drop variations.

Note:  The D4PCI series boards do not use a CT Bus connector/cable.

Board diagrams and cable pinouts for the Sangoma Dialogic D4 and JCT series boards may be found on the “Quick Install” guides.  These are typically included in the box with your board, but we have also provided a link to the latest list of these Quick Install guides which may be found here.

Can’t find what you need on the Quick Install guides?  Feel free to contact us and we’d be glad to help!

The Sangoma Dialogic board is one part of the equation.  A typical deployment with a Sangoma Dialogic board includes a server (Windows or Linux based) where the board is installed, a software application (from a 3rd party, or an application you develop yourself), and the Sangoma Dialogic board.  The System Release software for the Sangoma Dialogic board includes drivers, development tools, and diagnostic/sample programs, but does not provide any feature-rich applications you’d use in a production environment.  Typically, your application vendor will specify which Sangoma Dialogic board is needed to work with their software.  Feel free to contact us for assistance with your project – we are glad to assist!