Using Live Image to restore your Wave system is an easy task.  In our previous guide (How to use Live Image to BACKUP your Vertical Wave system), we walked through the process of creating your Live Image backup.  This guide will walk you through the process of creating a Live Image USB recovery flash drive and using it to restore your Wave system with your Live Image backup image.

Note that Live Image does require a license – if you do not currently have a license for Live Image, it may be purchased HERE.

In addition to a Live Image license, you will need a USB 2.0 flash/thumb drive for the Live Image restore process.  We recommend a 32GB+ Sandisk USB 2.0 drive.  You can use the official Vertical Live Image 32GB USB drive as its a known compatible flash drive for use with Wave.

On a workstation of your choice, install the “Live Image Disk Creation Utility”.  To do this, browse the network to your Wave server (similar to how you installed the Wave ViewPoint) and open the “NetSetup” folder.  You’ll then see “CreateImageMediaSetup.exe”:


Run this and follow the prompts to install the Live Image Recovery Disk Creation Utility.  Once installed, insert your USB flash drive, then run the Vertical “Recovery Disk Creation Utility” from your Start Menu.


Select the appropriate drive letter of your USB drive, then click “Create Media”.  This process can take up to 5 minutes to complete.  Once finished, you should see a “completed successfully” message as shown below:


Click “Exit”, then use Windows Explorer to open up this drive.  The contents should look similar to the screenshot below:


Now, we have to create the location where we’re going to put your Live Image backup .TIB file.  In the root of this drive, create a folder called “Vertical”.  Then in the “Vertical” folder, create another folder called “BackupImage”.  Your drive should look like the screenshot below:


Simply copy the .TIB file from your Live Image backup into this Vertical\BackupImage folder.


When finished, be sure to properly remove your USB flash drive by clicking the “Safely Remove Hardware and Eject Media” in your Windows system tray.

Important!  Be very careful with this USB drive.  It requires NO user interaction once booted.

To restore your Wave system, simply insert this USB flash drive into one of the front USB ports of your Wave system, then power on the system.  Wave will automatically boot from this USB drive and re-image your C drive with the Live Image backup on this USB drive.  You can watch the progress on a local monitor plugged into the front VGA port of your Wave server.  This process can take anywhere from 15-60 minutes depending on the size of your backup.  Once complete, your Wave system’s from LCD will display “Recovery Successful”, at which point you’ll need to power off the system via the rocker switch on the back of the system, remove the USB flash drive, then power the system back on.

Live Image only does a backup and restore of the Wave system C drive.

Note:  The Live Image Restore process can also look for your backup .TIB image on a different drive.  Please see “Imaging and restoring your system using Live Image” on page 15-14 of the Wave Global Administrator Guide.